How to Japa from Nigeria

How to Japa from Nigeria – A Comprehensive Guide

“Japa” is a Nigerian slang term which, in this context, means “to run away” or “to flee”, often used colloquially to refer to the act of leaving Nigeria for another country, mainly for better opportunities or escape from a particular situation.

Many young Nigerians look for opportunities to travel abroad for studies, work, or better living conditions.

If you’re thinking of doing the same, here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate this process.

1. Determine Your Why: Before even considering leaving, it’s essential to determine why you want to do so.

Are you looking for educational opportunities, better job prospects, a change of environment, or perhaps, political stability?

2. Research Potential Destinations: Different countries have varied visa requirements, job opportunities, and cultures.

It’s essential to find a place that aligns with your goals and personal preferences.

3. Understand the Visa Process: Most countries require Nigerians to have a visa before entering. Here are common visa types:

  • Study Visa: For those wishing to further their education.
  • Work Visa: Required if you have a job offer in another country.
  • Tourist Visa: For short stays and holidays.
  • Residence Visa: If you wish to stay in a country long-term.

4. Prepare Essential Documents: Commonly required documents include:

  • Passport (with at least six months validity)
  • Passport-sized photographs
  • Visa application forms
  • Proof of funds
  • Police clearance certificate
  • Medical reports
  • Invitation letter (if applicable)

5. Financial Preparedness: It’s vital to have enough funds to sustain yourself. This includes visa application fees, flight tickets, initial accommodation, and living expenses until you’re settled.

6. Engage in IELTS or TOEFL: Some countries require proof of English proficiency for work or study. Taking exams like IELTS or TOEFL can be beneficial.

7. Seek Professional Help: Immigration lawyers or consultancy firms can provide guidance, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the visa process.

8. Explore Educational Scholarships: If you’re looking to study abroad, many institutions offer scholarships for international students. Websites like ScholarshipPortal can be a resource.

9. Networking: Connect with Nigerians or other expats in your desired destination. They can offer invaluable insights, tips, and even job leads.

10. Prepare for Culture Shock: Living in a new country can be challenging. Prepare mentally for cultural differences, varying weather conditions, and potential homesickness.

11. Secure Accommodation: Before moving, research and secure initial accommodation, even if it’s temporary. Websites like Airbnb,, or local sites can be helpful.

12. Health Preparations: Get comprehensive health insurance that covers you internationally. Additionally, be aware of any vaccinations you may need before moving.

13. Stay Updated with the Political and Economic Climate: Make sure you’re aware of the current situations in both Nigeria and your destination country.

14. Respect Laws and Customs: Once you’re in a new country, respect local laws, customs, and traditions. This ensures your safety and helps in assimilating into the community.


“Japa-ing” from Nigeria is a significant decision that requires thorough planning, research, and financial commitment.

While the process may seem daunting, the opportunities and experiences waiting in a new country can be enriching and transformative.

Always approach the move with an open mind, adaptability, and a desire to learn and grow.

Disclaimer: Always consult with immigration professionals and do in-depth research tailored to your specific situation. This article provides general advice and may not cover specific individual circumstances.

ALSO SEE: List of Popular Airlines in Nigeria

How to Japa from Nigeria

FAQs on “Japa” from Nigeria

1. What does “Japa” mean? Answer: “Japa” is a Nigerian slang term which means “to run away” or “to flee”. In this context, it refers to the act of leaving Nigeria for another country.

2. Why do people “Japa” from Nigeria? Answer: Many reasons, including better educational or job opportunities, political stability, better living conditions, or simply seeking a new experience.

3. Which countries are popular destinations for Nigerians? Answer: Popular destinations include Canada, the UK, the US, Australia, and some European countries.

4. Do I need a visa to “Japa”? Answer: Yes, most countries require Nigerians to have a visa before entering.

5. What’s the first step to “Japa”? Answer: Determine the reason for your move, research potential destinations, and understand their visa requirements.

6. How can I finance my move? Answer: Savings, loans, sponsorships, or scholarships for students are some ways.

7. Do I need to know the official language of the destination country? Answer: It’s highly beneficial, especially for work or study. Some countries may require proof of proficiency.

8. How long does the visa process take? Answer: It varies by country and visa type. It can range from a few weeks to several months.

9. What are the general visa requirements? Answer: Requirements typically include a valid passport, application form, proof of funds, passport photos, and sometimes an invitation letter.

10. Can I work on a student visa? Answer: It depends on the country. Some countries allow limited working hours for students.

11. What’s the best way to find accommodation abroad? Answer: Online platforms like Airbnb, local rental websites, or university boards for students.

12. Can I migrate with my family? Answer: Yes, but you’ll need to meet the requirements for family visas or permits.

13. How can I network with Nigerians abroad? Answer: Join online forums, groups on platforms like Facebook, or attend local Nigerian community events.

14. Are there agencies to help with the “Japa” process? Answer: Yes, numerous immigration agencies and consultants can guide you. Ensure they’re reputable.

15. Can I return to Nigeria after “Japa-ing”? Answer: Absolutely. Many choose to return after studying or spending years abroad.

16. Is it easy to get a job abroad? Answer: It depends on the country, your skills, and the job market.

17. What’s the cost of living like in popular destinations? Answer: Cost varies significantly. Western European countries, the US, and Canada tend to be more expensive than some parts of Asia or Eastern Europe.

18. Do I need health insurance? Answer: Yes, it’s crucial. Some countries even mandate it for visa approval.

19. How do I deal with homesickness? Answer: Keep in touch with loved ones, join Nigerian or African community groups, and give yourself time to adjust.

20. Is it easy to start a business abroad? Answer: This varies. Some countries have friendly policies for foreign entrepreneurs, while others might be more restrictive.

21. Can I study and work simultaneously? Answer: In many countries, yes, but there may be restrictions on working hours.

22. What’s the best way to transfer money between Nigeria and another country? Answer: Bank transfers, online platforms like TransferWise, or services like Western Union.

23. Can I drive with my Nigerian license abroad? Answer: For a short period, usually. After that, you might need an International Driving Permit or a local license.

24. Are there Nigerian grocery stores abroad? Answer: In cities with a sizable Nigerian community, yes.

25. How can I stay legally after my visa expires? Answer: Options include visa renewals, changing visa categories, or residency routes. Always consult an immigration expert.

26. What’s the average processing fee for a visa? Answer: It varies widely. Check the official embassy or consulate website for precise figures.

27. Can I apply for citizenship in the new country? Answer: Most countries have a path to citizenship, but requirements differ.

28. How do I deal with culture shock? Answer: Immerse yourself in the culture, make local friends, and keep an open mind.

29. Can I vote as a Nigerian living abroad? Answer: Currently, Nigeria doesn’t have a provision for diaspora voting.

30. Are there scholarships for Nigerians abroad? Answer: Yes, many institutions offer scholarships for international students.

31. Do I need any vaccinations? Answer: Some countries require specific vaccinations. Check with the embassy or consulate.

32. Can I travel back and forth between Nigeria and my new country? Answer: Depending on your visa status, yes.

33. What happens if my visa is rejected? Answer: You can usually reapply, but it’s essential to understand the reason for rejection and address it.

34. Are there age limits for visas? Answer: Some visa categories, like certain student or work visas, might have age restrictions.

35. How can I improve my visa approval chances? Answer: Ensure all documents are accurate, show proof of ties to Nigeria, and demonstrate financial stability.

36. What’s a refugee/asylum status? Answer: It’s protection granted to individuals in a foreign country because they’ve suffered persecution or have a well-founded fear of persecution.

37. Can I change my visa category while abroad? Answer: In many cases, yes, but there are processes and requirements.

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