How Can I Get Police Certificate in Nigeria Embassy

How Can I Get Police Certificate in Nigeria Embassy? [EXPLAINED]

In an increasingly interconnected world, a police certificate—often referred to as a police clearance or criminal record check—can be an indispensable document, especially if you’re planning to move, work, or study abroad.

For Nigerians or those who’ve spent significant time in Nigeria, getting this clearance might necessitate liaising with the Nigerian Embassy. Here’s a detailed guide on how to go about it.

1. Understand the Purpose

Firstly, it’s essential to understand what a police certificate is. This document certifies that the individual either has no criminal record or provides details of any past infractions.

Countries often require this certificate from foreign nationals for visa applications, emigration purposes, or certain job applications.

2. Determine Your Eligibility

Before you can request a police certificate, you must:

  • Be at least 18 years old.
  • Have lived in Nigeria or spent an accumulative period of one year or more.

3. Gather Necessary Documentation

The Nigerian Embassy typically requires the following:

  • A fully completed application form for the police certificate.
  • Two recent passport-sized photographs.
  • A copy of your passport data page.
  • Proof of legal residence if applying from a country outside Nigeria.
  • Fingerprints: Some embassies have facilities to take fingerprints, while others might require you to get them from a local police station.

4. Pay the Fee

There’s usually an associated fee for obtaining the police certificate. The amount varies and can change based on administrative costs and other factors.

Always check the current fee structure on the Nigerian Embassy’s official website or through direct contact.

5. Submission and Processing

Once you’ve gathered all the required documents and paid the fee:

  • Submit your application in person at the Nigerian Embassy or Consulate.
  • If there’s an option to send by mail, ensure you use a secure and traceable method.

Processing times can vary but expect to wait anywhere from a few weeks to several months. The duration often depends on the volume of requests and the internal processes of the embassy.

6. Collection

Once your police certificate is ready:

  • Some embassies might require you to collect in person.
  • Others may offer to send it via mail. If so, providing a self-addressed prepaid envelope can be beneficial.

7. Validity of the Police Certificate

The police certificate is often valid for six months to a year but always check the specific requirements of the institution or country requesting it.

8. Additional Points to Note

  • Always keep a copy of the police certificate for your records.
  • If any details are incorrect, liaise with the embassy immediately to get them rectified.
  • Some countries might require the police certificate to be authenticated or apostilled. Check with the requesting body to determine if this is necessary.


Obtaining a police certificate from the Nigerian Embassy is a relatively straightforward process, but it requires attention to detail.

Always ensure you have the most up-to-date information, as requirements can change.

Remember, the certificate serves as an essential testament to your character and history, making it crucial for various international endeavors.

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How Can I Get Police Certificate in Nigeria Embassy

40 FAQs on Obtaining a Police Certificate at the Nigerian Embassy

1. What is a police certificate?
A police certificate is a document that certifies whether an individual has any criminal record in Nigeria.

2. Who needs a police certificate?
Individuals planning to work, study, or migrate abroad may need a police certificate to meet visa or residency requirements.

3. How old must I be to request a police certificate?
You must be at least 18 years old.

4. Where can I get the application form for the police certificate?
Typically, the application form is available on the official website of the Nigerian Embassy or can be collected in person at the embassy.

5. What documents are required for the application?
You’ll need a completed application form, two recent passport-sized photos, a copy of your passport data page, fingerprints, and proof of legal residence if applying outside Nigeria.

6. Can I submit my application by mail?
Some embassies allow mail submissions, but always check specific guidelines.

7. How much does it cost to obtain the certificate?
Fees vary. It’s best to check with the Nigerian Embassy’s official website or contact them directly.

8. How long does it take to process the police certificate?
Processing times can range from a few weeks to several months, depending on various factors.

9. Do I need to be present in Nigeria to apply?
No, you can apply from any Nigerian Embassy or Consulate worldwide.

10. How long is the police certificate valid?
Generally, the certificate is valid for six months to a year, but this can vary.

11. Can I get a police certificate if I have a criminal record?
Yes, but the certificate will detail your criminal history.

12. Can someone else collect the certificate on my behalf?
Some embassies might allow this with a written authorization, but always check their specific guidelines.

13. Can the police certificate be sent to my home address?
Some embassies may offer this option, especially if a self-addressed prepaid envelope is provided.

14. Is the police certificate issued in English?
Yes, it’s typically issued in English.

15. What should I do if there’s an error in my certificate?
Contact the Nigerian Embassy immediately for rectification.

16. Can I apply for the certificate online?
This depends on the embassy’s facilities; always check their official guidelines.

17. Do I need to get my police certificate authenticated?
Some countries may require authentication or an apostille. Always verify with the requesting body.

18. Can I use the police certificate for multiple countries or applications?
Each requesting body has its guidelines. It’s best to check with each one.

19. Can I renew my police certificate after its expiration?
Yes, you’d typically need to go through the application process again.

20. Are there expedited services for urgent cases?
Some embassies may offer expedited services, but this may come with additional fees.

21. Will minor offenses appear on my police certificate?
All criminal records, including minor offenses, will typically appear.

22. Can I use the police certificate for non-immigration purposes?
Yes, as long as the requesting body accepts it.

23. How are fingerprints taken at the embassy?
Some embassies have the facilities to take fingerprints, while others might direct you to a local police station.

24. Do I need to provide fingerprints every time I apply?
Yes, fresh fingerprints are typically required for each application.

25. How can I track the status of my application?
You can usually track it by contacting the embassy directly.

26. Is there a refund if my application is rejected?
Refund policies vary. It’s best to check with the embassy.

27. Can I appeal a rejection?
The embassy’s guidelines will provide information on appeal processes.

28. Is my information kept confidential?
Yes, embassies are committed to maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of applicants.

29. What do I do if my police certificate is lost or stolen?
Contact the embassy immediately. You might need to reapply.

30. Can I use a police certificate from another country instead?
No, each country issues its own police certificate based on its records.

31. Are there any age exemptions for elderly applicants?
Generally, no. All applicants 18 years and older need to follow the same procedure.

32. Can the police certificate be denied based on my criminal record?
No, but the certificate will list any criminal history.

33. Can I apply from any Nigerian Embassy worldwide?
Yes, any Nigerian Embassy or Consulate should facilitate the process.

34. Can children under 18 apply?
Typically, no, as the minimum age requirement is 18.

35. What payment methods are accepted?
This varies by embassy. Common methods include bank drafts, money orders, or direct bank transfers.

36. Do I need to provide reasons for my application?
Some embassies might request the purpose, especially to understand the urgency.

37. Is the process the same for all Nigerian Embassies worldwide?
While the basic procedure is the same, some details or requirements might differ.

38. Can I use an expired passport for my application?
No, only a valid passport is typically accepted.

39. What if I have lived in multiple countries?
You’ll need police certificates from each country where you’ve lived for an extended period.

40. Are there any other alternative documents accepted instead of the police certificate?
No, if a police certificate is requested, no other document can typically substitute it.

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